
Welcome; the intention is to tell a little about my whereabouts, travel adventures, and issues at Elk Ridge, including when I will be on the ranch, when a great time to visit (send grandchildren), etc. Hopefully there will be different divisions for Travel, Ranch Activities, etc.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Great Experimental Camping Expedition..

Well, haven't written for awhile. A brief catch-up:
Calgary was fantastic; had a private concert in the Calgary Petroleum Club by the #1 C-W singer in Canada, lots of dancing and fun; a great trip.
Got back, did some more clean up and ranch work.
Went to Tucson, worked a week, as did Susan.
Susan comes up Thurs night, I work 'til Friday. Goal was to fly up Sat am early; plane didn't start, still wouldn't start after 24 hr battery charge, so gave up and just drove up yesterday. Susan moved cows around, and then got caught in a situation with a poor first time birther (a big British White). Calf wouldn't come, then died, then the cow got all septic, then they had to shoot the cow. What a tragic mess. Had a picture of Susan up to her arm pit in the cow trying to get that calf out...was offered a job by the local cow calving expert. Jeesh. I taught her all she knows...but, poor calf.
Ranch looks like a war zone: piles of straw on the pasture next door, 4 helicopters coming and going dropping huge piles of straw with seed/fertilizer on the burn areas. Gov't paying $550 per acre.
This am early Susan gets up and heads for Tucson. Goes through a flood in Alpine (made the news in Phx), and I headed out to Cortez and then Telluride CO. All to meet up with Paul and Ash and the kids. Well, I FOUND the campground, it's on the Delores River 40 mi south of Telluride. No cell service but there IS Wi-Fi! So, I'm sitting in my truck, in the rain, mom's in Topeka and I'm not drinkin' anything but if I were it would make a good country song for sure. I can see 21 R-V's, all w/in 100'. This will be interesting. Grand-pas will do anything for grand-children...But, it's nice and cool, they just drove up, and life is good!!! Love to all, Dad/UR

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