
Welcome; the intention is to tell a little about my whereabouts, travel adventures, and issues at Elk Ridge, including when I will be on the ranch, when a great time to visit (send grandchildren), etc. Hopefully there will be different divisions for Travel, Ranch Activities, etc.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Just updates:

Greetings all, just a note to let those interested in the updates of the AZ Dickson's, at least in Tucson! We've had a great fall, nice rains, cooler temps. We made it through another summer and now we have 5-6 months of glory! YAY!
Sept and Oct 2018 in the books...went fast, were good months. The Los Charros ride was on of best ever, except poor old Justice's age is catching up to him and I'm thinking he's best being retired as a grandchild horse for those interested. 
In Tucson: Halloween party coming up Saturday: I'm going as a black plaque "doctor"; Lynn's going either as Black Plaque patient (ugh) or a steam punk girl, not sure which. 
 Sunday is a 24 hr call for Lynn so I'm thinking of making a trip to Phoenix for a grandchild fix...and maybe even see EJ and/or Ash!
  Fri the 2nd is a Mountain Oyster Club Anniv dinner, Saturday the 3rd maybe a trip down to the Empire Ranch in Sonoita to see western theme doin's there, then the 3rd I've got to get to the ranch. If Droughtbuster is in a good mood I'll take her up.
 That next week early is a trip to Kansas for appts with the feds for some stuff and some archery deer hunting, then home. I'll likely still be in Kansas for Veteran's Day; did anyone know that Veteran's Day actually started up from Emporia?
 Thanksgiving will be low key for us this year; Lynn works the Wed before, the Friday after, and the again all day Sunday. Bummer.
 The 5th of December we go to Las Vegas for our NFR fix.
 Then, anyone ready for Christmas???
Love to all,
