
Welcome; the intention is to tell a little about my whereabouts, travel adventures, and issues at Elk Ridge, including when I will be on the ranch, when a great time to visit (send grandchildren), etc. Hopefully there will be different divisions for Travel, Ranch Activities, etc.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Going to ranch early in am.
Memo to Dad; never ever go to Costco for a "few things" and forget what car you're driving...
Love to all, Dad/UR

Sunday, January 20, 2013

News/Travel stuff

Hello All,
 Update time for travels, happenings:
1st : Check out the new-to-me car! It's an Oldie, but they don't make them anymore; We just love it!
          Caption should read : "It's going to be a bright, bright sun-shiney day!"  It's fun to be back in the Lexus mode!
 2nd: Travels/Calendar for the Tucson people, i.e. Lynn and me!
          23rd : Lynn's going to a Lady Ga Ga concert in Phx: I'm going to wine tasting @ the Ritz Carlton! That's more my
                        style. Montalto's are going with.
         24th : UCLA-UA basketball here. Have tickets to that one; should be a good game.
         25-27th : To ranch for some winter R & R. Tickets for the USC game all spoken for!
         31st : Aunt Augusta and cousin Joyce arrive for a week or so, staying in Green Valley.
              7th: Dwight Yokum concert here in Tucson w the Carlson's and the Metz's.
             10th : US Airways flight to Grand Jct : skiing for a week with a friend in Aspen/Snowmass while Lynn has to
                           work...   Also, Addison's Birthday!
              16th: Dinner at Derrick's with Montalto's.
              22nd : Driving to Cabin, load up!
              23rd: Driving to Winter Park (at least that's the plans now) for a week of skiing with Lynn and as many as family
                           as can get there! Yea!
             Nothing much happening (yet) except going to Park City UT to ski, again, with some more friends in their house there. Exact dates to be determined.
That's about the 17th or so, then I actually have to work starting the 24th.
           That's all the news "fit to print"...still looking for a house we like, no luck yet on that score!
   that's it,
Love to all, UR/DAD

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Poor little dog, underwent the knife today and he's a little under the weather.
Hopefully this cystic thing is gone!
Hope all is well around the country!
Love, Dad/UR

Monday, January 7, 2013


At the Bear Wallow Cafe, aka Barely Swallow Cafe, downtown Alpine. Been up a couple of days to freeze and flounder in the snow; home tomorrow.
Life is good.