Greetings, Now from Tucson;
To transmit A. Diane's findings from her visit to see Mom today in Topeka...
A.D. says Mom looks relatively Good, that she looks and even interacts better than she did prior to November!
Go figure. The nursing staff is keeping her clean and neat, and her room is nice; they told Diane that Mom has been eating some applesauce and ice cream and a bit of things here and there, so I think the report I got late last week might have been a reaction to some exasperation, whatever. So, if A. D. is relaxed and feels good, then I certainly do too.
So, for my plans, I think I will delay my approach into Kansas a bit, but plan to get there by the week end after her 90th birthday, which of course is March 18th. Then I will stay until mid April sometime so I won't be coming and going so much.
Ken: I'd consider just keeping with your plans of the 16th or so. I would go then too but I think a month in Kansas would be too long for many many people...but turkey season starts the 9th of April I think.
So, this is good news. I will still go ahead with the Hospice program; they do interactive visits for people as Mom, not only the terminally ill in the short term. I will arrange for twice a week visits for now, filling in the cracks that the nursing staff at B.P. can't fill, review the meds, etc. And, we will go on from there.
Love to all, UR/Dad
ps: A.D., when are the dates of the Colorado Condo in the summer? The 26th of July I believe? If no one else has big plans, or even if someone does and wouldn't mind another couple, I'd love to get up there this summer for once. Any other takers??
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