
Welcome; the intention is to tell a little about my whereabouts, travel adventures, and issues at Elk Ridge, including when I will be on the ranch, when a great time to visit (send grandchildren), etc. Hopefully there will be different divisions for Travel, Ranch Activities, etc.

Monday, August 27, 2012


Greetings from the Ranch; Been up here a few days now! #1. I do believe I am still allowed to come to the wedding after all! Yay! Getting closer and closer!! #2. I thought I would share a breakfast recipe. If you are ever in a bind for some good breakfast, try this: One left over pizza slice, poach an egg in a pan of water about 1" deep (put some either white vinegar, apple cider, or coca cola in to help the egg white stay together), and put in a moderately fresh egg. Microwave the pizza slice, put the egg on top, and add Mexican style chile beans. Yum!! The beans are optional.. #3. Weather has been nice up here, cooling off nicely. I have had nice afternoon rain showers. The nights are cool, but only up to about a 1/2-dog night. Still, Campfire time in the mountains! It is so green up here and I've been busy mowing, weeding, spraying, and trying to accomplish some rodent/pest control.. #4. Having trouble with rodents up here. I still have about 4 squirrels making a total mess of the barn (putting horse manure, alfalfa, nuts, bolts, various electical connectors) even in the ATV. Found a rope end down stairs, only stayed connected to the upstairs railing since it was tied. I figure the racoons would have untied it but squirrels can't figure that out yet. And then there's the mice. I've tried traps of various ilk and even resorted to mouse poison. It seems the squirrels are eating the mouse stuff, which is not enough to hurt anything, and the mice are getting into the traps and eating the squirrel food. Great. My next step is just to get some TNT and blow the barn up and start over.. #5. The plan is for me to fly home tomorrow am, get ready to move again somewhere, drive to Phoenix to go the Neil Diamond concert, then come back up for the Labor Day. #6. Everyone is busy busy; a wonderful wedding coming up, travel plans, work, life in general. Wishing everyone a safe Labor Day and we'll all meet up in San Diego!! Love to all, UR/Dad

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