
Welcome; the intention is to tell a little about my whereabouts, travel adventures, and issues at Elk Ridge, including when I will be on the ranch, when a great time to visit (send grandchildren), etc. Hopefully there will be different divisions for Travel, Ranch Activities, etc.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 4, Mazatlan

Good; yesterday we Did see whale or two spouting, way off in the distance. Was still a cool thing to see. The porpoises were much closer!
For dinner last night we had the usual sumptuous fare, that of a small filet with lobster tail, etc etc. This is a Really Nice ship...!
Sailed into Mazatlan this morning. The dock area is rather dreary actually, and the 6 of us took a taxi to the old town, had a nice lunch, a short walk around some real pretty neighborhoods and an old square dating back to 1841, and then taxi'd it back to the ship. We had lunch where the Richard Burton's and the E. Taylor's and the J Wayne's used to back in the days..time marches on. The little bay is pretty, reminds me of the bay in Rocky Point. We didn't get to go up to the "new" area where the big hotels are.
Came back to the room and found a notice where they had changed the itinerary so that now we get to Cartegena on Fri afternoon, leaving about Mid-night. Wer'e hoping that won't preclude a nice visit with Mark! Wish they'd just skip Aculpuerco (sp??);
Having a nice trip, relaxing, good food and company. Thinking of you all,hope all is well. Love, Dad/UR

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