Greetings All, good morning from the Arizona mountains.
Autie and I are up and for the first time in quite a while it looks like a beautiful day! I'm sitting here with a hot cup of coffee on the setting overlooking the pasture, and it's just impossible not to reflect this day on the sacrifices of hundreds of thousands of men and women over time to make this country so great, and whose purpose was to just try to ensure their children had opportunities to have better lives.
Little Autie is still upstairs, curled up by the bed, still napping. He is slowing down, getting along in his years.
I thought I'd continue to let people know at least my plans for the next several weeks/months.
We flew up yesterday morning for several days, hoping to get some fencing done, harrowing done, some seeding in a few places, and overall maintenance. Was a cold and wet winter/spring (rained ands hailed all yesterday afternoon and into night) and there's lots to do. We plan to fly back to Tucson Friday am.
Saturday afternoon/evening Lynn and I will drive up to Phoenix, hopefully spend the night somewhere, and enjoy Megan's baptism the next day.
The Friday evening next I will catch a plane from Mesa-Gateway (Allegiant) and go to Wichita. Plan to spend the night there with Judy/David Hawkins, then drive up to Emporia Saturday. I'll stay with Augusta and Jim for a few days. The Dickson family reunion is that Sunday and there's a "big" Flint Hills rodeo that Saturday that will be fun to see. I had a real fun time with my cousins a few weeks ago hunting turkeys, etc, and it will be good to be back. I catch a plane back to Mesa the next Wed evening, landing there about 8 pm.
The next week end, the 13-14th, there's a horse show in Sonoita and Lynn is off that week end and is planning to participate.
Lynn is also free over the fourth of July after working all this week end and we are planning on being up here in the mountains.
More about July later, but on the 21-23rd we have reservations at Old Faithful Inn in Yellowstone!! I used to go there fairly frequently but my own last visit was almost twenty years ago! Wow. Lynn has never been. We're planning on flying the Bonanza up to Cody. After Old Faithful Inn we will spend several days/nights at a dude ranch just outside the park for horseback trail riding and fly fishing.
Well, that's enough catch up for now.
Give thanks for our country and our family and our lives and our opportunities,
Love, UR, Dad