
Welcome; the intention is to tell a little about my whereabouts, travel adventures, and issues at Elk Ridge, including when I will be on the ranch, when a great time to visit (send grandchildren), etc. Hopefully there will be different divisions for Travel, Ranch Activities, etc.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fwd: First day first win under both judges Hunter Under Saddle!!

From Lynn today in Scottsdale! Congratulations Sweetie!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Lynn Bianchi" <>
Date: Sep 28, 2012 2:00 PM
Subject: Fwd: First day first win under both judges Hunter Under Saddle!!
To: "Richard Dickson" <>

Lynn Bianchi

Begin forwarded message:

From: Lynn Bianchi <>
Date: September 28, 2012, 1:59:35 PM MST
To: Lynn Bianchi <>
Subject: First day first win under both judges Hunter Under Saddle!!

Lynn Bianchi

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fencing Status

Hello All,
 Just a quick up-date on where the fence issue is.
 I did not hear to the contrary, so why don't we plan on T-Posts 18 feet apart, Smooth Wire, 4 wires horizontal, w the bottom wire 18 inches above the ground to facilitate elk calves ingress and egress w/o harm. OK?
 Second: Jim Younger is putting together a proposal through his company to see if he can be competitive...Yea! That will be forthcoming I do believe. Then I will simply put out the known costs involved, the $$ we have with which to work, and go from there. I do not think we have enough for the full project, so maybe we should buy the materiel, then work on it in pieces. The alternatives include increasing a temporary dues increase vs "special assessment" and I think I join the most of you, uh, no.
  I haven't been able to get up there for some time, it seems. I've had a rather unusual work schedule this summer, and, as most of you know, my land-lady unceremoniouslyl kicked me out in the street so I've had to move. Luckily I found a relative safe place so stability has increased somewhat. I do hear that for those who are lucky enough to enjoy that beautiful country the weather has improved and there is that "chill" in the air finally that implies a beautiful fall.
 See you later, and I don't think there is any other news. If there is, don't forget, anyone can publish a post (including a photo if you want), by writing to :

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Happy Labor Day!

A little horse trip into the back country.

John Wayne Ranch tour

A few of us visited the 26-Bar Ranch, once owned and frequented by The Duke here in Springerville. I'm holding the rifle he used in Rooster Cogburn, and the saddle its the one used in The Shootist. Many other very interesting artifacts and stories there as well. You're is free, very well worth the visit!