OK, forgot about this for a while; taking a little break since return from the trip I guess:
Anyway, this is the 2nd visit to the ranch to check on the cattle, run the horses a bit, and tend to the barn. Last visit w Rich Flynn got to sneak over to Silver Creek a bit for a good day of fishing! Caught some nice fish but the Droid X got over-exposed to the moisture over there I guess and it went totally dead. After some discussion, I got a new one. That's all.
Came up here again d-r-i-v-i-n-g, my nemesis, to bring up the Subaru, my least partial car. Came up this time for some general R & R, and to bring the horses down so I exchanged the Subaru for the diesel and we'll take off tomorrow am early, providing I can capture the horses..
Did some more racoon control: that makes 5 in the last few weeks. No wonder Barn Cat has been so agitated; more than usual, that is.
It's cold finally; low 20's in the am, but up to low 50's during the day. Yesterday had the first snow flurries of the season, but didn't stick.
Tomorrow is Ash' and Paul's wedding anniversary: Congrats to them! Also, Susan turns 54.
So, it's me and Autie, and home we go tomorrow. Have a Christmas Tree permit, and the next time we're up will be around the 1st of Dec, just after Thanksgiving week-end.
Love to all, Come Visit! Dad